Chocolate praline candies
Temps total: 
  • 100g hazelnuts (+ around 20 to keep as a whole)
  • 100g almonds
  • 100g powdered sugar
  • 50g dark chocolate
  • 10 crêpes dentelles (crispy biscuit folded in a cigar shape). The brand Gavottes can be found abroad
  • About 150g milk chocolate for glazing
  • Chocolate spread
  1. In a saucepan, sauté the hazelnuts, almonds and powdered sugar until a caramel is formed and coats the nuts. Let them cool on a rack covered of baking paper. Start blending grossly, and keep a small bowl of the praline obtained in order to enwrap the candies later. Keep blending the rest, pausing if the blender is getting too hot. You will obtain a praline cream. (To help you out if needed: )
  2. Melt the dark chocolate in a bain-marie or in the microwaves (do not add water!). Add 150g of the praline cream and the crushed crêpes dentelles. Leave this mix to cool in the fridge. Then shape hemispheres in a cake pop mould, making sure to tamp the sides. Place in the freezer for 15 minutes. Fill to the ¾ the hemispheres with the chocolate spread and add one hazelnut in half of them. Put back in the freezer for 1 hour minimum.
  3. Melt the milk chocolate in a bain-marie. Make sure it's not too hot and stick together the hemispheres with this chocolate (one hemisphere with a hazelnut and the other without). Soak completely the ball obtained in the chocolate and roll it in the bowl of praline set aside. Let the chocolate spread unfreeze before enjoying.
Recipe by Leaf at